Azure Data Catalog

  1. U-SQL script is not found. Please specifiy a valid U-SQL script in either the script property or the scriptLinkedService ...
  2. Unable to convert "{0}" to a DateTime value (InnerException = "Unexpected JToken type {1}"). Please use ISO8601 DateTime ...
  3. Unable to convert "{0}" to a DateTime value. Please use ISO8601 DateTime format such as "2014-10-01T13:00:00Z" for UTC time, ...
  4. Unable to convert "{0}" to a DateTime value. We recommend using ISO8601 format with a timezone designator such as "2014-10-01T13:00:00Z" ...
  5. Unable to convert "{0}" to a TimeSpan value. Please use a culture-insensitive format such as "00:30:00" (for 30 minutes). ...
  6. Unable to create or update an on-demand HDInsight cluster with {0} cores for subscription {1} because the maximum number ...
  7. Unable to create or update an on-demand HDInsight cluster with {0} cores for subscription {1} because the maximum number ...
  8. Unable to create or update the pipeline: {0} in the data factory: {1} because activity: {2}'s Concurrency is greater than ...
  9. Unable to create or update the pipeline: {0} in the data factory: {1} because activity: {2}'s LongRetry is greater than the ...
  10. Unable to create or update the pipeline: {0} in the data factory: {1} because activity: {2}'s Retry is greater than the maximum ...
  11. Unable to create or update the pipeline: {0} in the data factory: {1} because it has {2} activities, which is more than the ...
  12. Unable to create the data factory: {0} for the subscription: {1} because this subscriber already has {2} data factories, ...
  13. Unable to create the Dataset: {0} in the data factory: {1} because it already has {2} Datasets, which is the limit per data ...
  14. Unable to create the pipeline: {0} in the data factory: {1} because it already has {2} pipelines, which is the limit per ...
  15. Unable to find the Data Lake Analytics account because the DataLakeAnalyticsUri '{0}' could not be resolved. Please change ...
  16. Updating the availability section of a Dataset is not supported. Existing availability configuration: {0}, new availability ...
  17. Validation failed for AzureMLBatchScoringActivity '{0}', which has different Sql Azure input and output table linked services. ...
  18. Validation failed for AzureMLBatchScoringActivity '{0}'. Input and output tables must be type AzureBlob, PartitionedBlob, ...
  19. Value specified for {0} property in activity {1} exceeds the max supported limit of {2}.Change the value to less than {2}, ...
  20. View cannot contain links with property names that conflict with the view underlying type's property names (case-insensitive). ...
  21. View cannot contain nested views with names that conflict with the view underlying type's property names (case-insensitive). ...
  22. We are experiencing difficulties communicating with the Azure Data Catalog. Please contact your catalog administrator with ...
  23. We are unable to confirm that '{0}' is enabled for the Azure Data Catalog. If you believe you have received this message ...
  24. We can't find an Azure subscription for {0} to use for your new Azure Data Catalog. Click here to manage your subscriptions ...
  25. We're unable to save your documentation. The maximum size allowed is {0} and the size of your documentation is {1}. Please ...
  26. When a draft containing the old JSON format is opened, you will be prompted to automatically upgrade the JSON to the new ...
  27. When Azure Active Directory security groups are used to grant access to Azure Data Catalog, the number of units cannot be ...
  28. You are about to delete "{0}" object. This will remove the object from Azure Data Catalog but the data in the "{0}" will ...
  29. You are about to delete "{0}". This will remove the term from Azure Data Catalog. This operation cannot be undone. Are you ...
  30. You are about to delete {0} objects. This will remove the objects from Azure Data Catalog but the data in the {0} objects ...
  31. You are about to delete {0} terms. This will remove the terms from Azure Data Catalog. This operation cannot be undone. Are ...
  32. You are about to permanently delete the catalog "{0}" which will remove all of the catalog contents and settings. This action ...
  33. You are currently logged in as {0}. An Azure Data Catalog has been created for this domain, but does not have any catalog ...
  34. You are currently logged in as {0}. An Azure Data Catalog has been created for this domain, but is not enabled. Please contact ...
  35. You are currently logged in as {0}. This account does not have permission to access Azure Data Catalog. You can log out and ...
  36. You do not have required 'Microsoft SQL Server 2012 ADOMD.NET' installed to use the Analysis Services provider. We recommend ...
  37. You do not have the necessary {0} installed to complete this operation. We recommend downloading and installing the {0} 64-bit ...
  38. You do not have the necessary {0} installed to complete this operation. We recommend downloading and installing the {0} from ...
  39. You do not have the necessary {0} installed to complete this operation. We recommend downloading and installing the {0} from ...
  40. You don't have sufficient permissions on this storage account to use it for sample deployment. You need to be an owner or ...
  41. You have an Azure Data Catalog, but so far no one has registered any data sources. You can get started by registering data ...
  42. You have selected {0} terms to be deleted. The following selected term(s) have child terms: {1} Before terms can be deleted, ...
  43. You have successfully created your Azure Data Catalog. You can now register your enterprise data sources to make them available ...
  44. You've logged in using a personal Microsoft account. Azure Data Catalog only supports logging in using work or school accounts. ...
  45. You've logged in using a personal Microsoft account. Azure Data Catalog only supports using work or school accounts. Please ...
  46. Your account name: '{0}' is invalid, for storage account naming restriction, please see ...
  47. Your Azure ML model at '{0}' is unavailable. If your AzureMLBatchScoringActivity has worked in the past, you might check ...
  48. Your data catalog "{0}" is also used by Power BI Pro users in your organization. If you proceed, your data catalog will no ...
  49. Your data catalog is also used by your organization for Power BI. If you proceed, your catalog will no longer be associated ...
  50. Your Data Lake Analytics service '{0}' does not have access to your Data Lake Store. Please grant access to the Data Lake ...
  51. Your request contains invalid JSON content. Please refer to ADF's JSON scripting reference ( ...
  52. Your StoredProcedureParameter of SQL source is not formatted correctly. Please review the property "{0}" in your request. ...
  53. Your Windows credentials will be used to connect to the data source and to extract the metadata for the objects you select. ...