Access 2007

  1. If you save the view encrypted, you will no longer be able to alter the view definition. Do you want to save the view encrypted? ...
  2. If your database is protected with a password, the new back-end database will be created without a password and will be accessible ...
  3. Import data from the external file into the current database. Changing data in the current database will not change data ...
  4. Important: Store this information in a safe place. If you need to recreate the workgroup information file, you must supply ...
  5. Imports data from a text file into the current Microsoft Office Access database, exports data from the current Microsoft ...
  6. Imports data from another database into the current database, exports data from the current database into another database, ...
  7. Imports either data, or links to data, from a spreadsheet file into the current Microsoft Office Access database, or exports ...
  8. In a |9 database (.mdb), you can't group on a control bound to a field that has a Memo or OLE Object data type. In a |9 project ...
  9. In Design view, you can't retrieve the value of the ObjectPalette property for an OLE object contained in a bound object ...
  10. In order to enable recent enhancements and provide you with the best experience possible, Access will upgrade your database. ...
  11. In order to install ProductName], you must either be an administrator or have this installer package approved by an administrator. ...
  12. In the new lists column, select one or more lists from the new site that you want any link tables to use as the data source: ...
  13. Includes the specified database object in an electronic mail message, where it can be viewed and forwarded. You can send ...
  14. Index ' ' is used to enforce the full-text key on table ' ' and must be bytes or less. This change will disable full-text ...
  15. Index ' ' is used to enforce the full-text key on table ' ' and must be single-column. This change will disable full-text ...
  16. Index ' ' is used to enforce the full-text key on table ' ' and must be unique. This change will disable full-text indexing ...
  17. Index ' ' is used to enforce the full-text key on table ' ' and must not be null. This change will disable full-text indexing ...
  18. Index ' ' is used to enforce the full-text key on table ' '. Deleting this index will disable full-text indexing for the ...
  19. Inserts a picture of the Clipboard contents into your document. Paste Link creates a link to the source file so that changes ...
  20. Inserts an icon into your document which represents the Clipboard contents. Paste Link creates a link to the source file ...
  21. Inserts the contents of the Clipboard into your document as %s. Paste Link creates a link to the source file so that changes ...
  22. Inserts the contents of the Clipboard into your document so that you may activate it using %s. It will be displayed as an ...
  23. Internet synchronizer exited unexpectedly on the server. Look at the exchange history in the partner replica on the internet ...
  24. Internet synchronizer exited unexpectedly on the server. Look at the partner replica exchange history on the internet server ...
  25. Invalid SQL syntax - related tokens did not match. Microsoft Office Access database engine expected GRANT.TO, REVOKE.FROM, ...
  26. is an empty lookup field. You will not be able to collect data for this field. To continue, remove the empty lookup field ...
  27. is currently unable to rename the form, report, or module to '|'.@Close the database, reopen it, and then try the rename ...
  28. is making your database file replicable so changes made to one replica can be synchronized with the changes made to the other ...
  29. is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which ...
  30. is retrieving file data for '|1'. The network connection to this file appears to be slow and may result in performance issues ...
  31. is saved as a local table. Changes made to the table will not be sent to the replicas in the set.@To make this table available ...
  32. is unable to connect to the data source specified in the connection string of this page.@The server may not exist on the ...
  33. is unable to create a data access page using the codepage selected in Web Options.@The codepage may not be installed on your ...
  34. is unable to export '|' to Windows SharePoint Services due to limitations on the number of times each data type can appear ...
  35. is unable to read the VBA modules in this database and cannot recover the modules because the file is read-only. To recover ...
  36. is unable to retrieve the file: |.@Either the file is not available, or you do not have enough disk space to copy the file.@1@ ...
  37. is unable to save the | object.@Your computer ran out of disk space while |9 was saving the OLE object. For information on ...
  38. is unable to set the application's icon to the file '|'.@Make sure the file is a valid icon (.ico) file. If you're using ...
  39. isn't a valid query name. Query names must have between 1 and 64 characters. They can't start with a space or an equal sign ...
  40. issues were found that could result in unwanted behavior or missing data.@Do you want to cancel the wizard and review the ...
  41. Keep the existing record.@Clicking Yes will keep the existing record in the table '|' and delete the conflict record. You ...
  42. Lecturer";"Professor";"Substitute Teacher";"Teacher";"Teacher's Assistant";"Principal";"Vice Principal";"Other Administrative" ...
  43. loaded a version of the dynamic-link library acerecr.dll that was too old. Run setup again to get the correct version of ...
  44. Local forms, reports, macros, and modules in this replica will not be converted. @To retain these objects, please be sure ...
  45. Locked table. This record could not be applied during synchronization since the table was locked by another user. Resubmit ...
  46. Lotus .wks file formats aren't supported in the current version of |9.@Convert your .wks file to a more recent format, such ...
  47. may not be a valid setting for the RowSourceType property, or there was a compile error in the function.@For information ...
  48. MDE databases can't reference MDB databases.@MDE databases can only reference other MDE databases or type libraries.@1@1 ...
  49. Microsoft Access can use your column headings as field names for your table. Does the first row specified contain column ...
  50. Microsoft Access recommends that you define a primary key for your new table. A primary key is used to uniquely identify ...
  51. Microsoft helps protect this Visual Basic for Applications Project with a password. You must supply the password in the Visual ...
  52. Microsoft Office Access 2007 or the Microsoft Office Access 2007 Runtime must be installed before running this installation ...
  53. Microsoft Office Access can store the selected value from your | in your database, or remember the value so you can use it ...
  54. Microsoft Office Access can't resolve conflicts for this table.@ Your table contains too many fields. @Examine the table ...
  55. Microsoft Office Access can't start the wizard. A compile error exists in one of your global modules or in the code behind ...
  56. Microsoft Office Access cannot create the database in the specified format because of a Group Policy set by your administrator. ...
  57. Microsoft Office Access Databases (2002-2003 format)(*.mdb)\0Microsoft Office Access Databases (2000 format)(*.mdb)\0Microsoft ...
  58. Microsoft Office Access Databases (2002-2003 format)(*.mdb)\0Microsoft Office Access Databases (2000 format)(*.mdb)\0Microsoft ...
  59. Microsoft Office Access Databases Global (*.mdb)\0Microsoft Office Access Databases Local (*.mdb)\0Microsoft Office Access ...
  60. Microsoft Office Access does not support linking to an Access database or Microsoft Office Excel workbook saved in a format ...
  61. Microsoft Office applications cannot suspend while you have documents open from a network location. Exit the applications ...
  62. Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 was unable to send the message to the following recipients because of one or more of the following ...
  63. Minimizes the active window to a title bar at the bottom of the Microsoft Office Access window. Press F1 for help on this ...
  64. Modifications to the database or project have invalidated the associated digital signature.@This may require you to make ...
  65. MonthName((Int((Year(|0)*12+Month(|0)-1)/|1)*|1+1) Mod 12) " " & Int((Int((Year(|0)*12+Month(|0)-1)/|1)*|1)/12) & " - " & ...
  66. Moves and sizes the active window. If you leave an argument blank, Microsoft Office Access uses the current setting. Each ...
  67. Moves the focus to the first control on the specified page of the active form. Use the GoToControl action to move the focus ...
  68. Multi-part keys may change behavior. SQL Server does not allow nulls in any part of a multi-part key. If you have records ...
  69. Next, you create the filter expression that determines the records in your partial replica. You can choose only one table ...
  70. No device numbers are available to create the new device. You can either choose an existing device, or cancel the wizard ...
  71. No valid fields can be found in '|'. You may have selected a query that uses the table you're adding the lookup column to. ...
  72. None of the field names you pasted onto the Clipboard match the field names on the form.@|9 treats the data in the first ...
  73. Not all of the import specifications could be imported due to name conflicts. Conflicts existed in | of the specifications.@Rename ...
  74. Not all of your data was successfully imported. Error descriptions with associated row numbers of bad records can be found ...
  75. Not all of your data was successfully imported. Error descriptions with associated row numbers of bad records can be found ...