Access 2007

  1. A 3-D perspective column chart compares data points along two axes, showing variation over a period of time or illustrates ...
  2. A bubble chart is a type of xy (scatter) chart. The size of the bubble data marker indicates the value of a third variable. ...
  3. A column chart shows variation over a period of time or illustrates comparisons among items. Categories are organized horizontally, ...
  4. A field name is missing.@You have defined a data type or a description for a field without specifying the field name.@Enter ...
  5. A file or folder name cannot exceed 128 characters, and the complete URL of the file or folder cannot exceed 260 characters. ...
  6. A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file 2 has an invalid digital signature. This may indicate ...
  7. A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file 2 is not digitally signed. This may indicate that the ...
  8. A form or report cannot be the subdatasheet of a table or query.@Only a table or query can be inserted into another table ...
  9. A form with a bound ActiveX control or an embedded object bound to a data source can't have its DefaultView property set ...
  10. A form with a subform object can't have its DefaultView property set to Continuous Forms.@You tried to add a subform to a ...
  11. A line chart compares values over time. It is similar to an area chart, but it shows only the relationship between values; ...
  12. A link to this data access page could not be created because the database cannot be exclusively locked.@To create the link ...
  13. A log file has been generated at '|1'. This log file contains the information on these unresolved conflicts. Would you like ...
  14. A macro can call itself a maximum of 20 times.@Your macro contains a RunMacro action that calls the same macro more than ...
  15. A macro set to one of the current field's properties failed because of an error in a FindRecord action argument.@In the Macro ...
  16. A menu bar macro can only be run if the menu bar macro name is the setting used by particular properties or options.@You ...
  17. A pie chart shows the relationship or proportions of parts to the whole. It always contains only one data series, which makes ...
  18. A previous installation for this product is in progress. You must undo the changes made by that installation to continue. ...
  19. A primary key field can be an existing field with unique values, or a Generated Unique ID field (AutoNumber field). To set ...
  20. A problem occurred when |9 tried to access the OLE object.@Close the |9 form or report that displays the OLE object, and ...
  21. A problem occurred when |9 tried to access the | object.@* You may have specified an invalid file name or an invalid unit ...
  22. A problem occurred while accessing the | object.@* The OLE server may not be available because it's on a network server and ...
  23. A problem occurred while |9 was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX Control.@Close the OLE server and restart it ...
  24. A problem occurred while |9 was communicating with the OLE server.@Try one or more of the following: Make sure you're connected ...
  25. A property of the Automation object requires or returns a data type that isn't supported by Visual Basic.@You tried to run ...
  26. A relationship already exists.@Do you want to edit the existing relationship? To create a new relationship, click No.@13@2 ...
  27. A RunSQL action requires an argument consisting of an SQL statement.@For example, an action query that appends records starts ...
  28. A supporting file path for this data access page has been altered outside of Access.@Please save this page to a different ...
  29. A system resource necessary for displaying the | object isn't available.@Your computer may be low on memory.@Close unneeded ...
  30. A table or query needed in order to create the new form, report, or query is currently open in Design view.@Save or discard ...
  31. A timeout occurred while communicating with the server, or an unexpected error occurred. Changes to your data cannot be saved ...
  32. A value you entered for the spreadsheettype argument is invalid.@You used the TransferSpreadsheet method, and an expression ...
  33. A value you entered for the Transfer Type argument is invalid.@An expression in the Transfer Type argument doesn't evaluate ...
  34. A workbook must contain at least one visible worksheet. To hide, delete, or move the sheet(s), you must first insert a new ...
  35. Access can't run the Exchange/Outlook Wizard. Make sure you have Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, or Microsoft Exchange ...
  36. Access cannot add a digital signature to a file created in Access 97 or earlier.@Convert the file to Access 2000 or later ...
  37. Access could not create '|1'.@|2@Make sure that the file name (and location, if provided) are in the correct format, such ...
  38. Access could not load the e-mail envelope. This could be caused by a network connection problem or a problem with your Office ...
  39. Access could not save your project.@Do you want to cancel the close operation? *To cancel the close operation, click Yes. ...
  40. Access failed to evaluate one or more expressions because '|' was referenced in an expression. Only functions and properties ...
  41. Access has detected a problem with the current toolbar settings. Would you like to restore the default toolbar settings? ...
  42. Access has detected that the text you are about to import has been encoded in a different encoding from your system default ...
  43. Access is unable to connect to '|1' database on the '|2' server. Make sure that the database still exists and that the server ...
  44. Access is unable to save the | object because it does not support persistence, or your computer may have run out of disk ...
  45. Access Projects do not support custom groups in the Navigation Pane. You may not import or export custom groups from an Access ...
  46. Access will create a table that will maintain a link to the source data in Excel. Changes made to the source data in Excel ...
  47. Access will create a table that will maintain a link to the source data. Changes made to the data in Access will be reflected ...
  48. Access will create a table that will maintain a link to the source data. Changes made to the data in Access will be reflected ...
  49. Access will create a table that will maintain a link to the source data. You cannot change or delete data that is linked ...
  50. Adding a formula to the selected column will delete all indexes and relationships it participates in. Do you want to add ...
  51. Adding a formula to the selected column will delete all relationships it participates in as a foreign key. Do you want to ...
  52. Adds a menu to a custom menu bar for a form or report. Each menu on the menu bar requires a separate AddMenu action. Also, ...
  53. After completing its work, the wizard will display a report of the settings used to create the users and groups in your workgroup ...
  54. After you have converted this file to Access 2000 File Format, the new file cannot be shared with Access 97 users. @Any functionality ...
  55. After you have converted this file to Access 2002 - 2003 File Format, the new file cannot be shared with Access 2000 users ...
  56. After you have converted this file to Access 97 File Format, any functionality specific to Access 2000 or later will be lost.@For ...
  57. All Data fields must be summarized (using Sum, Avg, Min, Max, or Count) or use no summarization. To change the way a field ...
  58. All Data fields must be summarized (using Sum, Avg, Min, Max, or Count) when a date field is used in the Axis or Series. ...
  59. All users belong to the Users group in all workgroup information files. By default the wizard assigns no permissions to the ...
  60. Allows users to choose which program features will be installed and where they will be installed. Recommended for advanced ...
  61. already exists. |9 must create a backup of your file before performing the repair operation. Enter a name for the backup ...
  62. Alternatively, you may choose to disable the installer's rollback functionality. This allows the installer to restore your ...
  63. An action within the current global menu's macro group can't change the global menu bar.@|9 can't display the global menu ...
  64. An area chart emphasizes the total amount of change over time by displaying the sum of the plotted values. It also shows ...
  65. An asynchronous OpenConnection call is not yet complete; you cannot yet reference the returned connection object until it ...
  66. An attempt to create a temporary file has failed.@Please confirm that you have adequate disk space on your system drive and ...
  67. An error occured during the installation of assembly component 2]. HRESULT: 3]. {assembly interface: 4], function: 5], assembly ...
  68. An error occured trying to add one or more references from the source code control project.@The library may not be registered ...
  69. An error occured while trying to create the database; the wizard can't continue. (|) Your ADP file will not be connected ...
  70. An error occurred in the Field Builder.@You've replaced or modified the default Field Builder, and |9 is unable to run the ...
  71. An error occurred while accessing the OLE server.@The OLE server may not be registered.@To register the OLE server, reinstall ...
  72. An error occurred while adding this word to the custom dictionary.@* The dictionary file may be read-only. There may be a ...
  73. An error occurred while applying security settings. 2 is not a valid user or group. This could be a problem with the package, ...
  74. An error occurred while referencing the object.@You tried to run a Visual Basic procedure that improperly references a property ...
  75. An error occurred while saving module options.@You may be running Visual Basic in break mode.@Reset the running code before ...