.NET Framework

  1. ID3270: The WSTrustChannel does not support multi-leg issuance protocols. The RSTR received from the STS must be enclosed ...
  2. ID4039: A custom ServiceAuthorizationManager has been configured. Any custom ServiceAuthorizationManager must be derived ...
  3. ID4240: The tokenRequirement must derived from 'RecipientServiceModelSecurityTokenRequirement' for SecureConversationSecurityTokens. ...
  4. ID4274: The Configuration property of this SecurityTokenHandler is set to null. Tokens cannot be read or validated in this ...
  5. Identity certificate with subject name '%1' and thumbprint '%2' does not have a private key. Process Name: %3%r Process ID: ...
  6. Identity certificate with subject name '%1' and thumbprint '%2' does not have a private key. Process Name: %3%r Process ID: ...
  7. Identity certificate with subject name '%1' and thumbprint '%2' does not have an accessible private key. Process Name: %3%r ...
  8. Identity certificate with subject name '%1' and thumbprint '%2' does not have an accessible private key. Process Name: %3%r ...
  9. Identity certificate with subject name '%1' and thumbprint '%2' does not provide '%3' among its EnhancedKeyUsages. Process ...
  10. Identity certificate with subject name '%1' and thumbprint '%2' does not provide '%3' among its EnhancedKeyUsages. Process ...
  11. Identity certificate with subject name '%1' and thumbprint '%2' does not provide '%3' among its KeyUsages. Process Name: ...
  12. Identity certificate with subject name '%1' and thumbprint '%2' does not provide '%3' among its KeyUsages. Process Name: ...
  13. Identity check failed for incoming message. The expected DNS identity of the remote endpoint was '{0}' but the remote endpoint ...
  14. Identity check failed for outgoing message. The expected DNS identity of the remote endpoint was '{0}' but the remote endpoint ...
  15. IDictionary parameter contains at least one entry that is not valid. Ensure all values are consistent with the object's properties. ...
  16. If a data source does not return ICollection and cannot return the total row count, it cannot be used by the {0} to implement ...
  17. If a document-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION does not specify the parts attribute on a soapbind:body element, the corresponding ...
  18. If a virtual method has a LinkDemand, in many cases, so should any override of it, and if an override has a LinkDemand, so ...
  19. If a zap file was created without the Edit and Continue flag set, then we cannot do Edit and Continue on it, no matter what. ...
  20. If an EntitySet mapping includes a function binding, function bindings must be included for all types. The following types ...
  21. If an EntitySet or AssociationSet includes a query view, all related entity and association sets in the EntityContainer must ...
  22. If it is necessary to download redistributable components, approximately %d MB of additional space on your system drive will ...
  23. If LoadByKeyOperation.InstanceIdForFreeKey is specified, AcceptUninitializedInstance must be set to true. If the key is free, ...
  24. If LoadWorkflowByInstanceKeyCommand.AssociateLookupKeyToInstanceId is not specified, the LookupInstanceKey must already be ...
  25. If more than one FaultHandlerActivity is added to a FaultHandlersActivity, only the last should have CatchType set to 'All'. ...
  26. If MSBuild debugging does not work correctly, please verify that the "Just My Code" feature is enabled in Visual Studio, ...
  27. If multiple custom attributes specified on a single member only one of them have to have explicit '{0}' property, however ...
  28. If set to true, the TreeView populates data at the hierarchy-level represented by the TreeNodeBinding object on-demand (when ...
  29. If set to true, then a client call to the operation associated with this receive can trigger creation of a new workflow instance. ...
  30. If some of the EntitySet or the AssociationSet mapped to the same store EntitySet, and one of the sets includes a function ...
  31. If specified, the precompiled application is fully rebuilt. Any previously compiled components will be re-compiled. This ...
  32. If the application is running on either Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008R2, special configuration steps are necessary to ...
  33. If the application's App_Data directory already exists, the web server account only requires read and write access to the ...
  34. If the applications App_Data directory already exists, the web server account only requires read and write access to the ...
  35. If the applications App_Data directory does not already exist, the web server account must have read and write access to ...
  36. If the derived content type is Empty, then the base content type should also be Empty or Mixed with Emptiable particle according ...
  37. If the derived content type is Mixed, then the base content type should also be Mixed according to rule 5.4 of Schema Component ...
  38. If the partial validation type is 'XmlSchemaElement' or 'XmlSchemaType', the 'ValidateAttribute' method cannot be called. ...
  39. If the restored cards include a newer, identical version of a card that is already in your card collection, the older card ...
  40. If the web admin tool is already installed on a site, this command will copy over the content of the app_globalresources ...
  41. If the web admin tool is already installed on a site, this command will copy over the content of the app_globalresources ...
  42. If the Web site requires the ability to send e-mail (for example, to send users a password), you must specify the SMTP server ...
  43. If this property is true, the value of FormatString is used to convert the value of DisplayMember into a value that can be ...
  44. If true, the input text is rejected whenever a character fails to comply with the mask; otherwise, characters in the text ...
  45. If true, this property will set auto minimum value to zero if all data point values are positive. Otherwise, minimum value ...
  46. If you do not add this assembly to the full trust list, load errors and other unexpected behavior can occur. However, adding ...
  47. If you do not want to install the IIS SMTP server, or if the application will run on a different computer, contact the network ...
  48. If you need this code group to be Level Final or Exclusive, you can enable these options in the new code group's property ...
  49. If you want setup to install these prerequisites automatically, ensure that 'Automatically install platform prerequisites' ...
  50. If you want setup to install these prerequisites automatically, ensure that 'Automatically install the redistributable prerequisites ...
  51. If you want to do maintenance on the Web site, you can take it offline. This shuts the process down that is running the Web ...
  52. If you want to use the SQL Server provider to store application feature data in a SQL Server database, you must first configure ...
  53. If your application is connecting to a high-availability, disaster recovery (AlwaysOn) availability group (AG) on different ...
  54. If-Match or If-None-Match HTTP headers cannot be specified since the URI '{0}' refers to a collection of resources or has ...
  55. Ignoring these exceptions will put the designer in an unstable state that could result in the loss of controls. Do you want ...
  56. IIS) includes an SMTP virtual server, although it is not installed by default. If you want to be able to send e-mail from ...
  57. Illegal type derivation: Type '{0}' derives from anonymous type '{1}'. Please change '{1}' to be a named type by setting ...
  58. ImageField {0} contains a control that isn't a TextBox in edit mode, or an Image and a Label in read-only mode. Override ...
  59. Impersonation using the client token is not possible. The binding ('{0}', '{1}') for contract ('{2}', '{3}') uses the Username ...
  60. Implicit conversion from '|5' to '|6'; this conversion may fail because '|1' is not derived from '|2', as required for the ...
  61. Implicit conversion from '|5' to '|6'; this conversion may fail because '|1' is not derived from '|2', as required for the ...
  62. implicitly declares '|3', which conflicts with a member implicitly declared for |4 '|5' in the base |6 '|7'. So the |1 should ...
  63. implicitly declares '|3', which conflicts with a member implicitly declared for |4 '|5' in the base |6 '|7'. |1 should be ...
  64. implicitly declares '|3', which conflicts with a member in the base |4 '|5', and so the |1 should be declared 'Shadows'. ...
  65. implicitly declares '|3', which conflicts with a member in the base |4 '|5', and so the |1 should not be declared 'Overloads'. ...
  66. Important Application settings are stored in the configuration file as plain text. Therefore, you must take appropriate security ...
  67. Important: You can back up your cards to a file before you delete them. To back up your cards, click Cancel, and then click ...
  68. ImportDefinition of type '{0}' cannot be used in this context. Only import definitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreateImportDefinition ...
  69. ImportDefinition of type '{0}' cannot be used in this context. Only import definitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreateImportDefinition ...
  70. ImportDefinition of type '{0}' cannot be used in this context. Only import definitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreateImportDefinition ...
  71. In a contract inheritance hierarchy, the ServiceContract's CallbackContract must be a subtype of the CallbackContracts of ...
  72. In a DESCRIPTION, the value of the name attribute on a soapbind:fault element MUST match the value of the name attribute ...
  73. In Binding '{0}', TransportBindingElement '{1}' does not appear last in the BindingElementCollection. Please change the order ...
  74. in class '|2' cannot override '|3' in class '|4' because an intermediate class '|5' overrides '|3' in class '|4' but is not ...
  75. In contract '{0}', there are multiple operations with Method '{2}' and a UriTemplate that is equivalent to '{1}'. Each operation ...