Excel 2016

  1. x,deg_freedom!Returns the right-tailed Student's t-distribution!is the numeric value at which to evaluate the distribution!is ...
  2. x,deg_freedom!Returns the two-tailed Student's t-distribution!is the numeric value at which to evaluate the distribution!is ...
  3. x,deg_freedom!This function is available for compatibility with (!idspnExcel_2007) and earlier.Returns the right-tailed probability ...
  4. x,deg_freedom,cumulative!Returns the left-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution!is the value at which you want ...
  5. x,deg_freedom,cumulative!Returns the left-tailed Student's t-distribution!is the numeric value at which to evaluate the distribution!is ...
  6. x,deg_freedom,tails!This function is available for compatibility with (!idspnExcel_2007) and earlier.Returns the Student's ...
  7. x,deg_freedom1,deg_freedom2!Returns the (right-tailed) F probability distribution (degree of diversity) for two data sets!is ...
  8. x,deg_freedom1,deg_freedom2!This function is available for compatibility with (!idspnExcel_2007) and earlier.Returns the ...
  9. x,deg_freedom1,deg_freedom2,cumulative!Returns the (left-tailed) F probability distribution (degree of diversity) for two ...
  10. x,known_ys,known_xs!Calculates, or predicts, a future value along a linear trend by using existing values!is the data point ...
  11. x,known_ys,known_xs!This function is available for compatibility with (!idspnExcel_2013) and earlier.Calculates, or predicts, ...
  12. x,lambda,cumulative!Returns the exponential distribution!is the value of the function, a nonnegative number!is the parameter ...
  13. x,lambda,cumulative!This function is available for compatibility with (!idspnExcel_2007) and earlier.Returns the exponential ...
  14. x,mean,cumulative!Returns the Poisson distribution!is the number of events!is the expected numeric value, a positive number!is ...
  15. x,mean,cumulative!This function is available for compatibility with (!idspnExcel_2007) and earlier.Returns the Poisson distribution!is ...
  16. x,mean,standard_dev!Returns a normalized value from a distribution characterized by a mean and standard deviation!is the ...
  17. x,mean,standard_dev!This function is available for compatibility with (!idspnExcel_2007) and earlier.Returns the cumulative ...
  18. x,mean,standard_dev,cumulative!Returns the lognormal distribution of x, where ln(x) is normally distributed with parameters ...
  19. x,mean,standard_dev,cumulative!Returns the normal distribution for the specified mean and standard deviation!is the value ...
  20. x,mean,standard_dev,cumulative!This function is available for compatibility with (!idspnExcel_2007) and earlier.Returns the ...
  21. x,n!Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)!is the value at which to evaluate the function!is the order of the Bessel function! ...
  22. x,n!Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)!is the value at which to evaluate the function!is the order of the Bessel ...
  23. x,n!Returns the modified Bessel function Kn(x)!is the value at which to evaluate the function!is the order of the function! ...
  24. x,n,m,coefficients!Returns the sum of a power series based on the formula!is the input value to the power series!is the initial ...
  25. XML Data Tables are locked for editing while in design mode.Click on 'Finish' on the structured Document task pane, then ...
  26. xml,xpath!Returns specific data from the XML content by using the specified XPath!is a string in valid XML format!is a string ...
  27. x_num,y_num!Returns the arctangent of the specified x- and y- coordinates, in radians between -Pi and Pi, excluding -Pi!is ...
  28. x_range,prob_range,lower_limit,upper_limit!Returns the probability that values in a range are between two limits or equal ...
  29. y!Returns the inverse of the Fisher transformation: if y = FISHER(x), then FISHERINV(y) = x!is the value for which you want ...
  30. year,month,day!Returns the number that represents the date in (!idspnExcel_NV) date-time code!is a number from 1900 or 1904 ...
  31. You already have specified a custom chart type. To create a different type of chart, click another custom type, or click ...
  32. You are about to sort together columns from multiple external data ranges. If you continue, your column sorting, filtering, ...
  33. You are attempting to create a chart by using a PivotTable report in another workbook. This will result in a static chart ...
  34. You are attempting to create a chart by using a PivotTable report in another workbook. This will result in a static chart ...
  35. You are attempting to put grouped items and property fields in the same dimension. This action is not supported. After clicking ...
  36. You are currently collaborating on this workbook with other people. You cannot edit this workbook in {0:Excel} while other ...
  37. You are no longer connected to this file. Another user may have removed you from it, or saved over it.To preserve your unsaved ...
  38. You are no longer connected to this file. Another user may have removed you from it, or saved over it.To preserve your unsaved ...
  39. You are pasting a new data series, which will affect the existing information along the category axis in your chart. You ...
  40. You are trying to delete | that contains a locked cell. Locked cells cannot be deleted while the worksheet is protected.To ...
  41. You are trying to import a chart from Microsoft Excel that contains user-defined custom chart types. Microsoft Graph can't ...
  42. You can create a PivotTable report that uses ranges from one or more worksheets, and that has no page fields or up to four ...
  43. You can place the chart on a worksheet, or on its own new chart sheet.Type a name for a new chart sheet, or choose an existing ...
  44. You can still create a forecast worksheet, but the data you selected is too large to preview here. Choose the options you ...
  45. You can't change column boundaries to resize an external data table. You can only resize it by including or excluding rows ...
  46. You can't create a table in the last row of the workbook. A table must have at least two rows, one for the table header, ...
  47. You can't move your data here because there are merged cells of different sizes. Remove the merged cells and then try moving ...
  48. You can't paste this here because the | area and paste area aren't the same size.Select just one cell in the paste area or ...
  49. You can't save files directly to this location. Try saving the files to a different location, and then copying them to this ...
  50. You can't undo deleting sheets, and you might be removing some data. Deleting this sheet will remove the VBA digital signature. ...
  51. You can't use more than 32,000 data points per data series in a 2-D chart. To show more data points, use two or more series ...
  52. You can't use more than 4,000 data points per data series in a 3-D chart. To show more data points, use two or more series ...
  53. You cannot apply a filter that combines a calculated member with any other item, including other calculated members. Change ...
  54. You cannot begin synchronizing changes or display the Error Checking dialog box if you are already in the process of synchronizing ...
  55. You cannot change the chart type to a stock chart. A stock chart requires three, four, or five series of data to plot a single ...
  56. You cannot combine 2-D and 3-D chart types. Do you want to change the data series from the 2-D chart so that you can combine ...
  57. You cannot combine 2-D and 3-D chart types. Do you want to change the data series from the 3-D chart so that you can combine ...
  58. You cannot combine 2-D and 3-D chart types. You can combine these charts into a 2-D chart by changing the data series of ...
  59. You cannot combine 2-D and 3-D chart types. You can combine these charts into a 3-D chart by changing the data series of ...
  60. You cannot combine a Bubble chart with other chart types. Do you want to change the chart type of all the data series in ...
  61. You cannot combine the bubble chart type with other chart types. Do you want to change the chart type of all the data series ...
  62. You cannot create a PivotTable based on source data with more than 16384 columns. Reduce the number of columns and try again. ...
  63. You cannot create a set based on another set. Before creating a new set, remove the following set from the PivotTable: '|' ...
  64. You cannot create or make changes to PivotChart reports in a shared workbook. To make a copy that you can edit and rearrange, ...
  65. You cannot create or make changes to PivotTable reports in a shared workbook. If you copy a report and paste it in a shared ...
  66. You cannot edit a PivotChart series with the formula bar. You can change the view of data in a PivotChart report by reorganizing ...
  67. You cannot edit the formulas in data cells for groups or for calculated fields.To change the formula for a calculated field, ...
  68. You cannot filter by value for this field in the PivotTable report because the OLAP data source does not contain grand totals ...
  69. You cannot group items in this field because it queries for each item separately when the field is in the report filter area.Drag ...
  70. You cannot insert or delete cells when doing so would cause some merged cells to unmerge.To perform this operation, open ...
  71. You cannot place a field that has more than | items in the column area.If you want to use this field in the report, click ...
  72. You cannot remove duplicate information when the range has an outline. To remove duplicates, clear the outline and perform ...
  73. You cannot save the Personal Macro Workbook in the startup folder. Save it elsewhere now and move it to the startup folder ...
  74. You cannot save this workbook with the same name as another open workbook or add-in. Choose a different name, or close the ...
  75. You cannot save to this file format when the VBA project is protected.You may unprotect the VBA project by choosing the Properties ...