Dynamics 365

  1. We cannot find System Diagnostic results associated with this project. Please supply the following information about the ...
  2. We cannot show the selected item. Please make sure you have the latest software installed and that you have privileges to ...
  3. We could not find the package you were looking to apply. Please generate a valid package and upload it into Lifecycle Services. ...
  4. We could not log in with the email address (%1) and password combination that you entered. Double-check your credentials, ...
  5. We could not open the file you provided. It seems the file is corrupt. Please re-export the file from the original system ...
  6. We couldn't connect you to your Microsoft Dynamics 365 server. The Dynamics 365 user account you tried to sign in with doesn't ...
  7. We couldn't download changes to the app because your device is currently not connected to a network, please reconnect and ...
  8. We couldn't download changes to the app. You can continue to use the app with the older configuration, but you might experience ...
  9. We couldn't execute the action "{0}" in your Microsoft Social Engagement solution {1} for the following automation rules: ...
  10. We couldn't find an applicable price list for this document. Make sure a price list with the customer or organization's currency ...
  11. We couldn't find an environment to connect to. You need to install and run System diagnostics to configure one. Click on ...
  12. We couldn't follow this email. Please try to follow it again. If the issue continues, please contact your system administrator. ...
  13. We couldn't perform a search because you don't have permission to search the knowledge base (KB). Contact your system administrator. ...
  14. We couldn't retrieve the app configurations. Please contact your Dynamics 365 administrator and give them the information ...
  15. We couldn't retrieve your app configurations because your device is currently not connected to a network, please reconnect ...
  16. We couldn't unfollow this email. Please try to unfollow it again. If the issue continues, delete the email to avoid sending ...
  17. We couldn't upgrade the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Email Router because it was configured for an email server that's not supported ...
  18. We didn't discover any Dynamics 365 instances. Enter the URL for your Dynamics 365 instance, or contact your system administrator. ...
  19. We didn't find an entity for this link. Dynamics 365 may still be processing, or it's not set up to create entities from ...
  20. We didn't find that application ID in your Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Make sure your application is registered in ...
  21. We do not recommend allowing multiple subledger transactions per voucher because of the accounting impact to various processes ...
  22. We encountered an error while reading data from the uploaded file. Please make sure you have uploaded an estimation spreadsheet ...
  23. We found a record in Dynamics 365 that matches the record you're trying to create. When you track an email, if a contact ...
  24. We found Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365) instance. Found Dynamics 365 instances can now be selected ...
  25. We found some errors in this grid. To stay on this page and fix the errors, click Cancel. To continue without fixing the ...
  26. We have a different email address for your account than the one you used to sign in to Yammer ({0}). To make sure we have ...
  27. We have accepted the lines on your reply to our request for quotation. We have created the following purchase order number ...
  28. We have applied the classifications to your data. If you want, you can review and update the classifications in the Data ...
  29. We have automatically ended the field selection process for you because we detected that a CRUD operation has been performed ...
  30. We have automatically ended the field selection process, because we detected that the starting form of the action has been ...
  31. We have changed our online service agreement . Please carefully review the new online service agreement and click "Accept" ...
  32. We have completed the update operation on your environment. You can sign off the completed request after validation. If you ...
  33. We have detected the presence of legacy component(s) during upgrade, these components are not supported in Dynamics 365. ...
  34. We have found the following partitions and legal entities that contain configuration data. Choose which legal entities to ...
  35. We haven't received a heartbeat from the AX 2012 environment. Please make sure you have enabled configuration based on the ...
  36. We invite you to join our Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) to help improve the quality, reliability, and performance ...
  37. We invite you to join our Customer Experience Improvement Program to help improve the quality, reliability, and performance ...
  38. We invite you to join our Customer Experience Improvement Program to improve the quality, reliability, and performance of ...
  39. We invite you to join our Customer Experience Improvement Program to improve the quality, reliability, and performance of ...
  40. We need to know what to do with opening balances. You can:\Let us post opening balances to the general ledger and item ledger ...
  41. We noticed that there are no more valid authentication tokens enabled for a Facebook user to acquire data from Facebook pages. ...
  42. We noticed that there are no more valid Instagram accounts for data acquisition from Instagram. This means that the data ...
  43. We noticed that you don't have any valid authentication tokens for LinkedIn, which means that data acquisition for LinkedIn ...
  44. We noticed that you have 'TaskRecorder.xml' in your Visual Studio Team Services attachments; however, you have chosen not ...
  45. We noticed that you have '{taskRecorderFileName}' in your Visual Studio Team Services attachments; however, you have chosen ...
  46. We noticed you did not attach any files. Attaching more information about the issue helps resolve the issue faster. Are you ...
  47. We noticed your organization already has multiple projects. Select the one you want to use for this implementation or select ...
  48. We ran into an unexpected error when generating the JIT account. Please try again later. If this error persists, please contact ...
  49. We reached an error while inserting seeds. We tried fixing the unique index values and foreign keys, but were unsuccessful. ...
  50. We reached the limit on the number of posts we can execute this action on. This happens when there's an unusually high volume ...
  51. We recommend installing the hotfix released under KB 899526 for Microsoft Outlook 2002 before you install Microsoft Dynamics ...
  52. We recommend installing the latest updates for Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 from Office Update before you install Microsoft ...
  53. We recommend maintaining a buffer of available numbers for each number sequence of greater than 20% to prevent running out ...
  54. We recommend that you enable server-based SharePoint integration. Your current SharePoint integration relies on installing ...
  55. We recommend that you increase your solution's monthly post limit by buying additional packages in the Office 365 admin center ...
  56. We recommend that you test the impact of changing this setting on a test server, and that you do not change this setting ...
  57. We recommend that you upgrade to server-based SharePoint integration. Your current SharePoint integration relies on installing ...
  58. We recommend that you verify the data that is exported to Excel. Please also verify the filters in the configuration package ...
  59. We removed CRM entities and attributes that are no longer available in your CRM instance. %{instanceName}: %{entitiesName}. ...
  60. We removed Dynamics 365 entities and attributes that are no longer available in your instance. %{instanceName}: %{entitiesName}. ...
  61. We see that you have both a production and sandbox environment available. Select the environment to which you want the application ...
  62. We strongly recommend that you copy the encryption key and store it in a safe place. You may need to enter the key again ...
  63. We suggest that you enable field security on this field. It uses the following fields that are enabled for field security: ...
  64. We think we've found one or more items that match the text in the email. Would you like to add them as line items in the ...
  65. We tried, but we could not enable the Windows Identity Foundation feature on this computer. To continue, you must manually ...
  66. We were not able to access the create operation on DMFDefinitionGroupService. Please ensure that the DMFDefinitionGroupService ...
  67. We were not able to access the createLegalEntity operation on OrganizationAdministrationService. Please ensure that the ...
  68. We were not able to access the export operation on DMFDefinitionGroupService. Please ensure that the DMFDefinitionGroupService ...
  69. We were not able to access the exportSourceDataFormat operation on DMFDefinitionGroupService. Please ensure that the DMFDefinitionGroupService ...
  70. We were not able to access the import operation on DMFDefinitionGroupService. Please ensure that the DMFDefinitionGroupService ...
  71. We were not able to access the targetService operation on DMFEntityWriterService. Please ensure that the DMFEntityWriterService ...
  72. We were not able to access the write operation on DMFStagingService. Please ensure that the DMFStagingService is deployed ...
  73. We were unable to retrieve a list of Pre-Production candidates in your project. Please try again later or contact support ...
  74. We were unable to set the selected environment as your Pre-Production environment. Please try again later or contact support ...
  75. We were unable to set your OneDrive for Business location as the process was cancelled.{0}This setup will start again on ...